Picture of Joey

Hi, I'm Joey

Web Developer 👨🏻‍💻

I am a passionate self-taught developer with a diverse background in digital marketing, web design, and development. Over the years, I have transitioned from mastering SEO and web design to becoming proficient in full-stack web development.


  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, TypeScript, React, Next.js and Tailwind CSS,
  • Backend: Node.js, Express, TypeScript, REST APIs, WebSockets, Docker, Databases, and SQL
  • Other: WordPress, Framer, Webflow, Figma, UI/UX Design

What I Do

  • Web Development: I specialize in building dynamic, responsive, and user-centric web applications using modern front-end technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6+), and React. My development stack includes popular frameworks and libraries like Next.js and Tailwind CSS to create visually appealing and highly interactive user interfaces.
  • Backend Development: Backend Development: With a strong foundation in Node.js and Express, I create robust and efficient server-side applications. I am also improving my skills in TypeScript to enhance code quality and maintainability. My backend expertise includes working with APIs, databases, WebSockets, and Docker. Additionally, I focus on testing to maintain high code standards.
  • Digital Marketing: My background in SEO and digital marketing allows me to create websites that are not only functional but also optimized for search engines and user engagement.
Work Experience
  • Sep2022 - Current
    SEOLEVELUP Website Design SEO Company
    Web Developer and Project Manager


    • Web Development: Designed using Figma and developed dynamic, responsive websites using platforms like WordPress, Webflow, and Framer. Ensured user-friendly interfaces and optimized performance.

    • Website Builders and Hosting: Utilized website builders for efficient and scalable site development. Managed domain registrations, hosting services, and website maintenance.

    • SEO and Digital Marketing: Implemented SEO best practices to improve search engine rankings and increased website traffic. Analyzed user engagement metrics to inform marketing strategies.

    • Client Relations: Acted as the primary point of contact for clients, gathering requirements, providing regular project updates, and ensuring deliverables met client specifications and quality standards.

    • Project Management: Coordinated project timelines, resource allocation, and task prioritization. Utilized project management tools to track progress and manage team collaboration effectively.

    Key Achievments

    • Successfully delivered over 100 web development projects that exceeded client expectations in terms of functionality and design.

    • Improved website performance and user experience through effective use of website builders and optimization techniques.

    • Implemented effective SEO strategies that resulted in a average of 300% increase in organic traffic for client websites.

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Let's Connect

If you want to get in touch with me regarding a project or business enquiry, reach out on social media or send me an email.